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Good format, great topic
This is a nice way to get up-to-date on the current happenings in CM. Thanks CMI for a quality program.

Senior Digital Director
The content is excellent and the chemistry is obviously a result of many years of friendship and respect. Each week, I gain a new perspective or something I want to share with my colleagues and clients. It's become my Tuesday listening obsession! Seriously, even my dog is happy because he gets a walk out of every episode.

My favorite new podcast
PNR: This Old Marketing is a wonderful weekly snapshot into the world of content marketing. They touch on topics in pop culture that I would have never thought of as content marketing before listening to them. The format of the podcast is perfect and entertaining for the daily commute too. The reason I didn't give them a perfect score is because, like any good podcast, they have room to grow. I would love to hear interviews with people they think are doing content marketing right and give a weekly content marketing tip. As a content marketer myself, I crave actionable tips. The more the content is actionable, the better. Keep up the great work guys!

Highly recommend! Learn while having FUN!
PNR is the most educational, informative – and entertaining – content marketing podcast available today. Joe and Robert are marketing experts that provide critical strategic guidance -- and great tips -- to enterprise marketers committed to being more effective by re-directing their massive advertising budgets to content marketing. The weekly hour of "audio goodness" is well-structured and well produced. Plus, you can always catch some odd sound emanating from Robert's studio...makes for a fun drinking game. I never miss it!

This is a Must Listen!
This is a must listen for all marketers. Informative and fun, Pulizzi and Rose discuss content marketing news that's relevant to today's businesses. From their raves to what drives them crazy, you'll come away with new tidbits of knowledge every week.

Content is King!
If you are looking to broaden your knowledge of content marketing, this is a MUST listen. Ever since I started listening a couple of months ago I have had great success with my content campaigns! Thanks guys, keep it up!

One of my weekly must-listens.
I first heard of Joe and Robert when I attended the CM World event a few years ago, and stumbled upon their podcast earlier in 2014. As someone into content, it's a fast listen and a show that always elicits taking down a few reminder notes...not easy when you're in the car! If you're into content marketing and want to understand how this stuff actually works, this is a very easy entry point. I also think a drinking game can be built around it too (when Joe laughs, when Robert says 'fantastic', when native advertising comes up). I mean, how can you beat that?

Very Informative
Covers news and the good and bad of content marketing. Weekly format has good structure and hosts have good dialogue.

A Sure Fire Formula to Make an Hour Commute Worthwhile
The title might suggest that I listen for selfish reasons as I communte approximately 50 miles one way to work everyday. However when I listen to a podcast that makes me look forward to my hour commute; most of the time driving in the dark and on a Tuesday, well then you got me..... Joe and Robert's This Old Marketing does just that; even though I am not a CMO, Assistant CMO or a mini CM anything, it's very informative, provides great insight and is truly entertaining. And their good dudes. Do yourself a favor and subscribe. But please, don't hold it against Robert that he's a Dallas Cowboy fan, he's from California.....Go Browns!

Fun, relevant and educational content and digital marketing coverage
I love this podcast. I have learned so much about digital news and the world of content marketing since I started listening to it about 6 months ago. This is the NPR-esque version of Content Marketing. With Joe and Rob's point of view on weekly news, I feel like I actually have some idea about what's going on and I love how the notes get posted on Saturdays. Keep it coming.

Great marketing resource
Look forward to this every week! Fantastic resource for content marketing news.

Content marketing worth listening!
I listen to a lot of marketing podcasts and this is one of the best! If you are wanting to catch up on the world of content marketing, then Robert Rose and "Itsy Bitsy Pullizi" is where it is at! There are extremely informative and funny, nobody else I would want to learn content marketing from! @colinmhaas

Simply the best marketing podcast of all time
Joe and Robert provide extremely valuable insights about content marketing. Recommended for both novices and veterans of this ancient and fascinating marketing strategy.

If you are you serious about content marketing give these guys a listen
This podcast is a weekly treat. I've listened to every episode of this podcast. I've at least tripled my understanding of content marketing and native advertising. Listen to two episodes and you'll be hooked.

Fun, Informative And A Must Listen For Marketing Professionals
Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose bring their energy, enthusiasm and expertise to this podcast. The format is easy to follow and transitions into a few different segments, allowing the listener to stay engaged as they tackle various topics within the content marketing industry. This is an ever-changing, evolving industry and having a podcast such as this to download each week will help marketing professionals stay on top of trends, topics and even the history of content marketing. Highly recommend!

Two Dudes Get Crafty About Content Marketing & You Won't Believe What Happens Next...
Extremely impressed with the content and CONSISTENCY of this show. I have been in the industry for many years, and for a long time it was a lonely industry. Joe and Robert share incredible feedback and reinforce the same confidence I have had in this industry for years - They even get me more pumped! Us Content Marketing enthusiasts are not alone! They know their audience and talk about news, what's changing and how to be ahead of the crowd. I highly recommend subscribing and staying up-to-date with the episodes. Thanks for the GREAT content!

PNR Weekly Podcast is a "must-listen" for any marketer
I have become addicted to Joe and Robert's weekly podcast. As a marketer, their work has become my absolute "must listen" update about my profession. Can any marketer really keep up with it all / this insane pace of change? These guys help me try! See you all in Cleveland in Sep 2014 for CM World.

Grateful as always.
As always, I am so impressed with the generosity that Joe and Robert show the community in bringing helpful resources to support our content marketing efforts. The show serves as a nice digest of what’s going on with content marketing related technologies and channels, and in pointing to various strains of discourse on practice in general. These are fun guys who like to have a good time on the show, which brings a sense of friendship (or even a support group) to a discipline that is in a 24/7 thesis-defense, given the amount of culture change often required to spread content excellence as a practice in our organizations.


The Only Constant is Change
Social Media and Content Marketing are always changing but old school marketing principles still apply. This podcast is a heady mix of both old & new, and I always feel smarter after each episode. There’s at least one nugget that I can put to use immediately. Never mind the convenience of multi-tasking while at the gym or driving.

Learn a lot with these guys
I learn something I did not know every week. More importantly it is current, thoughtful information that I really need to know to stay abreast of the fast-changing world of content marketing. Joe and Robert are top-tier experts. They have the big picture. Well worth the time I spend listening to this show! Thank you so much Joe and Robert and please keep up the great work!

Banter with Purpose
You know in those cop shows there are always the two partners who get along just enough while also having some side-line banter where they will never agree? Makes for classic shows and that type of banter carries moments in between action, it's entertaining. This show puts a bit of that banter in with marketing purpose. They make sense of what the "big guys" are doing. Good to get these perspectives before going back into the jungle.

Social marketing professional
Love your podcasts. I'm a 25+ year marketing veteran, and I find your shows provocative and inspiring in this new world of marketing! Joe and Robert are the "Click and Clack" of Content Marketing. Keep them coming!

Excellent summary of content marketing news
This is a great podcast. Definitely worth listening to every week at the gym, in the car, wherever. Joe and Robert give you a fun and interesting summary of some of the latest news in the world of content marketing, and wonderful examples of who is doing it well and who isn't. If you work in marketing this is absolutely worth your time every week.

Every Professional Marketer should be listening
This podcast is at the top of my list. As a professional marketer, I always learn something and these guys are great aggregators of critical information within the modern marketing space. Always get at least one or two good chuckles too.

Where Information and Entertainment Meet
Joe and Robert are a dynamic duo. They do a terrific job covering case studies, current trends and topics. They aren't afraid to tackle controversial topics which makes for great dialog! I have already benefited from the information they share.

Great balance of news, resources and advice
It's great to get so much information in a concentrated amount of time. I always leave with one or two really great thoughts that I've been able to use day-to-day. I love the Joe & Robert chemistry!

Strategic advice for content marketers
Heavy on case studies and jam packed with observations on the current state of marketing. Great source of strategic inspiration for content marketers.

Great Content, Great Chemistry
Having known of Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose from subscribing to CMI and reading Managing Content Marketing, I was really excited when they launched this pod. What I find great about this series is the fact that each week they report on hot topics and trends that have popped up in the marketing/business world, and work in their own professional (and sometimes witty) take on said topics. I especially enjoy the 'rants and raves' section of the pod. They have a winner here. They keep me both informed AND entertained. They are pros who love what they do!

A podcast I look forward to each week
Joe and Robert keep you entertained and up-to-date on the latest news the content marketing world has to offer. While just listening to the back and forth is entertaining in and of itself and enough to keep me listening, I always feel I receive valuable insights and quite a few "lightbulb" moments.