January 06, 2023

Apple to Manufacture Snow Goggles (357)

The big "leak" this week is Apple's announcement about an AR/VR device that is sure to be more cumbersome and uglier than anything Meta could launch. And with a battery life of one hour, who knows what will happen? META gets fined $400 million in the...

The big "leak" this week is Apple's announcement about an AR/VR device that is sure to be more cumbersome and uglier than anything Meta could launch. And with a battery life of one hour, who knows what will happen? META gets fined $400 million in the...

The big "leak" this week is Apple's announcement about an AR/VR device that is sure to be more cumbersome and uglier than anything Meta could launch. And with a battery life of one hour, who knows what will happen?

META gets fined $400 million in the EU over ad targeting practices. Zuckerberg wrote a personal check.

In "Musky Scent," Twitter stops paying rent and keeps firing people.

And Microsoft looks to integrate Chat GPT into Bing. Bing is still around?

Rants and raves includes a content marketing book launch by Noom and another Nielsen rant by Robert.

This week's links:

META gets fined

Apple's New AR/VR Headset

Twitter Stops Paying Rent

Twitter Ads Political Advertising Again

More Executives Leaving Twitter

Bing to Integrate Chat GPT

Noom's New Book

Nielsen's New Measurement Product


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