A #ThisOldMarketing mid-year special episode where Joe and Robert cover what marketers and content creators should be paying attention to, including: Creating Too Much Content (and not enough activation) AI in Content Taking Your Email Newsletter...
Yes indeed! Joe and Robert retrieve their broken crystal balls for another amazing episode of failed predictions.
In this very special 300th Anniversary show, Robert and Joe answer 10 audience questions covering all the things, with a surprise introduction from Gary Busey.
A very special Thanksgiving episode where Joe and Robert answer seven earth-shattering questions, including what content marketing trends are on the horizon, and content creation pet peeves.
In this very special Content Marketing World episode, Joe and Robert break down their keynote presentations, talking about the opportunities in the creator economy, for content entrepreneurs and for content marketing professionals.
This Old Marketing will never be the same. This episode is taken over by Jay Acunzo who goes through this history, process and success (and failures) of This Old Marketing.
In this special Turkey Day episode, Joe and Robert cover some touchy brand communication issues and how "the vid" has accelerated major changes in content marketing.
Joe and Robert bring out the crystal balls to discuss the future of in-person events, the growth of martech, who will be acquired next year, and will the Browns make the playoffs.
In this very special episode, Joe and Robert talk about Content Marketing World's 10 years, the changes in content marketing, and what should happen to the industry. They also throw in a couple news stories about TikTok, Google and talk Browns/Cowboys.
Content Marketing with PNR (Pulizzi and Rose)
Content Marketing with PNR (Pulizzi and Rose)
Content Marketing with PNR (Pulizzi and Rose)
Content Marketing with PNR (Pulizzi and Rose)
Content Marketing with PNR (Pulizzi and Rose)
Content Marketing with PNR (Pulizzi and Rose)