Facebook's move to Meta might seem like a PR move, but Zuckerberg wants to create the IOI of the metaverse and this is step one.

The big news of the week was Facebook's name change to Meta (for metaverse). But was the purpose of it to distract the The Facebook Papers?

Robert says yes, Joe says no, and Nike starts to create IP for Web 3.

In the continued platform wars, Google and Amazon start a war with Roku over search and data.

Joe raves about the Bankless podcast with Chris Dixon (a16z) about Web 3 and mental models, while Robert raves about Apple's publishing cloth.


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00:00 Intro

00:35 Browns and Cowboys Football Game

06:30 Joe & Robert Life Updates

10:45 The 300th This Old Marketing Episode Update

13:20 Facebook Name Change to Meta

15:00 The Facebook Papers

31:45 Nike Prepares to Enter the Metaverse

45:06 Roku and Amazon battle over user data

55:00 Joe raves: Aaron Rodgers bitcoin salary

56:00 Joe raves: The Bankless podcast with Chris Dixon

59:10 Robert raves: Apple publishing cloth

1:01:21 Robert raves: The Annual John Lewis & Partners Christmas Ad

1:02:40 Weekend Plans 

1:04:03 Outro



Joe: “Facebook is trying to be the IOI of the metaverse. They want to be the wall garden. They want all of these assets, the NFTs and the properties to happen within Facebook.“(20:26)

Robert: “The real power is building an audience and telling a great story to that audience that keeps them engaged. That’s it! All we’re doing is remonetizing that.”  (38:28)

Joe: “You know what [brands] hate more than anything else? Working with other people’s systems. And having to go and get permission to sell on other platforms.” (40:49)

Joe: “The internet was made for somebody to financialize it. And finally I think we’re there and that’s the token.” (44:26)

Joe: “Maybe we’re going to come to a point where [Google and Amazon] have gotten too big. Regulations are going to take them down. The fact that Amazon and Google are complaining about Roku is laughable.” (51:32)

Robert: “Brand matters, brand matters! … If you can charge 3x as much as your competitor for a rag with your logo on it, you’re doing something right.” (59:59)