November 12, 2021

The Token Subscription Model (297)

Could the next subscription model for marketers and media companies rely on the token? Uh, pretty much yes.

Could the next subscription model for marketers and media companies rely on the token? Uh, pretty much yes.

With three episodes until the amazing 300th This Old Marketing episode, Joe and Robert discuss the token as a subscription model. Specifically, what would the New York Times look like tokenized?

Walgreens goes big with content marketing and now has 87 people assigned to the content group. Is it a good strategy or do they need to go bigger?

Joe raves about the ENS token drop and creation of a DAO while Robert raves about what B2B companies need to do to adapt.


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Listening to this episode, you will find out:

About tokens:

  • Details about Joe and Robert’s giveaway - 9:46
  • What benefits you can have with tokens if you are an early subscriber - 19:50
  • What difficulties can arise with the token subscription model - 20:59
  • A prediction: Most probably, companies’ rewards will be tokenized in the next 5 years - 25:47
  • Before creating a token, make sure it is tailored to people’s needs - 28:57

About performance storytelling:

  • People relate much more to documentaries (performance storytelling)  than to traditional advertising - 38:32
  • What program is helping to make our advertising more effective - 39:54

Ideas that stuck with us: 

  • There are many rewards programs that come with tokens. Thus, make a decision between spending them at Starbucks or keeping them for the company’s benefits. 
  • If you’re not a huge brand, you have a big opportunity with tokens 
  • Before promoting your product, make research on your audience’s needs. This is how you sell a pen (as in Wolf on the Wall Street movie)
  • Instead of focusing only on your product, look at what your audience is truly interested in