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Love the banter, football, marketing, and all!
I must confess. In addition to staying on top of the latest content marketing trends, I also appreciate the football talk. As a non-sports person in a heavy sports state (Mass.), I can keep up with work conversations and still add in that marketing spin. Robert and Joe do a great job leveraging their years of experience to help paint a full picture on what’s happening in the marketing industry. I am a long-time listener because of their awareness of trends, willingness to experiment, and authenticity in sharing successes and lessons-learned.
A must listen for the future of media and marketing
Pull up a barstool while 2 expert media and marketing practitioners, Robert Rose and Joe Pulizzi- authors of "Killing Marketing", and other books together and separately including "Content Inc.", "Experiences", and many more.. Talk about football. Don't worry, it won't last too long (if you don't like American football, you'll survive, but you've been warned) and then you'll get a run down of the latest media and marketing news and analyses... But the real value comes from their take on the implications of what is happening. They get under the surface and into not just what is happening, but why, and what it means. The strategies, the technologies, the trends..and they are not afraid to go out on a limb, dare to forecast the future and be wrong...or right. It's a great ride and you'll be sharper when you get back to your job Monday.
This old marketing
I heard Joe’s visit with Michael Stelzner podcast and decided to seek out more. Subscribed and have been enjoying episodes regularly and relistening to many. They educate me on so many aspects of marketing. Their stories of family life add a lot also. Thanks Robert and Joe.
Great source of education and entertainment
Joe and Robert have helped me understand the ever changing world of marketing, business and content. And now even more with the introduction of web3 into the scene. My podcast feed was really lonely when they took their sabbatical, but thankfully they came back. Love this podcast, the Tilt, Content Inc and now $IDEA.
A tremendous podcast
I have learned so much over the years of listening to This Old Marketing. Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose discuss content marketing through the lens of current events as well as historical examples. Their friendship and rapport is winsome, and their professional expertise is abundantly evident in each episode. I come away each week with an abundance of strategic ideas to implement in my own business. I never miss an episode. It’s a must-listen for anyone seeking to share their message while cultivating and serving a passionate community around that message.
The Fastest Way to Catch up on the Weekly News Around Content Marketing, Football, and Web 3.0
Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose have helped me keep up with the constantly changing landscape of content marketing and web-related industries. I love how I can catch up on the news from the following week and how organizations can utilize content to attract and keep consumers. This show rarely runs more than an hour, and you can usually skip over the banter at the beginning and get to the meat of the podcast.
My go-to marketing podcast
As a teacher and a marketing consultant, I listen to This Old Marketing every week. I love hearing Robert and Joe talk about what is going on in marketing, especially in the social/digital space. I appreciate their work staying-up-to-date on industry happenings, which saves me time. I also enjoy hearing their viewpoints that give me different perspectives on topics to consider. As an avid NFL fan, I also enjoy the weekly “what did the Browns do now” banter. Worth every second of time I spend listening!
Connections and aha moments each week.
Before I started listening to This Old Marketing, I didn’t have anyone helping me connect the media, marketing, and digital content news I was reading to my own business. And I didn’t want to be in the dark on Web3. Week in and week out, This Old Marketing’s smart, engaging hosts give informed insights on the media and marketing landscape. I really like how this isn’t the run of the mill interview podcast, but offers the insights in a fresh context. Now when there’s a story in the news about big tech companies and huge influencers I can bridge the gap between what I’m hearing and how it affects mine and my clients’ businesses. It’s required listening for me each week.
More than a marketing podcast
Joe and Robert are simply the best, they’re fun, natural, they teach us so much by being themselves and the chemistry is undeniable which leads me to the podcast itself : the topics are interesting, the timing is perfect so much so that I integrated the show in my weekend routine. Whatever you guys do, don’t stop the show !
Mothers + Letters
I just laughed out loud at today’s show when Joe described to a tee my mom and her epic letter writing crusades to any customer service department that would hear her out. This Old Marketing is hands down my favorite Crypto/NFL podcast!
First in My Weekly Rotation
I love this podcast. Joe and Robert have a great rapport, the topics are normally interesting and relevant to me, and they maintain a great pace that’s consistent with the length of my daily walk. My only criticism — and it’s probably related to my age — is that their voices often sound similar. But that’s not a big deal. This one is a Must Listen By Friday Morning, even if it means jumping off something else.
I’m the third voice.
Lingering in bed as my last dream floats into the ether, I realize it’s Friday. The day I edit and upload my blog post. I pull on my shorts, shirt, cap, and shoes, strap on my fanny pack, and pop on my wireless headset as I gulp down water and sip some organic Peruvian coffee. Heading out the door for my daily walk, I look through my podcast library. There’s a new This Old Marketing Podcast! Yes! For the next hour, as I walk up and down desert landscaped hills swinging my 3-pound hand weights, I am the third voice on this podcast. “Yes! Agree, agree, agree!” “Oh, Joe, you missed something there.” “What?! Where did that come from?” Entering the world of Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose every Friday, along with reading The Tilt newsletter and listening to Joe’s Monday podcast, Content Inc., informs my content production for the next week and keeps me motivated to fulfill my potential as a content entrepreneur. It also sets the bar for podcast quality.
Might make me like podcasts
I’ve been slow to accept podcasts, generally because many are slow, wandering and irrelevant. But I’ve been pleasantly surprised that I’m still listening a few episodes in. Thanks for adding some depth and fun to my evenings when I’m off the (marketing) clock.
Have Fun Learning How to Move Your Marketing Forward
Every episode blends Robert Rose’s wit and marketing acumen with Joe Pulizzi’s commonsense practicality. You’ll laugh and learn about the latest marketing trends and how to use them to move your marketing to a better place.
Epic content marketing show!
Joe and Robert are true pioneers of content marketing and have seen it all, from big brands figuring out how to leverage their content to grow revenue, to individual content entrepreneurs growing a community that supports them. Their conversations are genuine and cover a wide variety of topics from Web3 to football. I look forward to the podcast and getting their takes on industry events every week. Amazing show! Please keep it up gentleman!
Don’t miss an episode
Joe brings quick and thoughtful insight that you don’t want to miss. If you like this, check out his other podcast This Old Marketing.
Always learn something
I never miss a week of TOM because I always learn something. Maybe it’s a TV show or article I should read. Sometimes it’s reinforcement of a philosophy that has become my own mantra “Don’t build your marketing house on rented land.” I do PR/Communications/Content Marketing for a large public school corporation and find nuggets of wisdom every week. Thanks guys!
Love you guys!
I have followed Joe & Robert for a very long time. Have bought & read or listened to all the books. Bought copies for others. Went to Content Marketing World and it was life-changing. Please don’t stop doing the podcast again, guys. It broke my heart. You guys are geniuses and I learn so much.
PNR rocks
I follow Joe and Robert for a while. I read every book they wrote and looking forwarded for more books. The podcast is stuffed with the latest on marketing wrapped with their wisdom and point of view. Robert and Joe are the best out there when it comes to content marketing. I love to hear what they are going to say next 🎧 I'm so happy the do the podcast weekly now!
Leave the politics out
Love the show, love them, love their marketing knowledge. I just wish they would leave the politics out of it. Becoming a bit much. Still amazing info to be had from this show though.
Marketers, you need this in your life
I cried tears of sadness when the podcast ended and cried tears of joy when Joe & Robert triumphantly returned! This is a MUST listen for any marketer, even if you don’t work directly in content marketing. The insights go far deeper than content. The hot takes on business strategy, tequila and Tito’s are top notch. I kid, I kid. 🤣 But seriously, know this podcast makes me a better marketer and I’d be shocked if it couldn’t do the same for you.
Best Marketing Podcast out there!
These guys are the tip of the spear, and my North Star when it comes to content marketing. Incredibly insightful and sophisticated. I always take away valuable insights that I can apply to business. I’ve listened to every episode...I’m addicted :)
A must listen!
I anxiously await each new episode of “This Old Marketing!” Joe and Robert mix lively conversation with useful information for marketers and a perpetual “look around the corner” at what’s coming next.
Must listen for Content Professionals
These are The thought leaders in Content Marketing. I love this show. Thanks Joe and Robert.
Keeps My Marketing Gray Matter Sharp
I have listened to over 100 episodes; several of them twice. I love their banter and the articles and other reference material they cite. I have learned a lot about marketing and have deconstructed many episodes to help me with my podcast. Great work fellows, May Your Tribe Increase
Look forward to each episode!
Been a listener for many years and a Content Marketing World attendee for the past few years. This podcast is a wealth of information. Current news articles and Content Marketing trends. I look forward to the episode every other week!!
Hilarious, Informative, Actionable
I love this show because the hosts are hilarious and I always get at least one gem from every episode that I can apply to my own exommerce business. These guys deconstruct what's going on in the marketing and publishing world so we don't have to, and they do it in a relaxed, yet structured format that moves along at a fast clip. Their uniqe point of view lets me see the big picture of what's relevant as far as business models, trends, and changes in marketing and publishing while drilling down to some relevant specifics every week. The rants and raves they do each episode are also hilarious.
Happy Days Are Here Again
So glad you’re back!
The marketing guides to follow!
I have been learning from Joe and Robert for five years and I attest they are on top of their game. If you follow them you will learn a ton on content marketing which will help you in your career. Jorge Solorio
Insightful perspective and fun discussion
I listened to Joe and Robert for quite some time in my previous job role. So when they started up the podcast, I had to listen to it. Even though my job role has changed, I value their perspective on the industry. Thanks guys for the great work!