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Essential for every content player
To say that Joe and Robert are wizards of content is an understatement. In this essential podcast, they give any content stakeholder timely tools and advice to elevate their content game. Highly recommend!
Their back!
Having this podcast back is one of the better things to happen to my listening in a while. I still don’t agree with everything but that is what makes it fun and a good listen.
PNR rocks
I follow Joe and Robert for a while. I read every book they wrote and looking forwarded for more books. The podcast is stuffed with the latest on marketing wrapped with their wisdom and point of view. Robert and Joe are the best out there when it comes to content marketing. I love to here what they gonna say next 🎧
Food for Thought
As a digital marketer in this fast-paced world, this podcast provides great food for thought. These days, it can be easy to stay laser-focused on your own lane, so to hear about what is going on in the content marketing world, with hilarious commentary, is a breath of fresh air. Glad to see this podcast coming back to life!
I'm hooked
Great podcast give it a listen.
What a duo!
Icons in the world of content marketing, and they continue their historic run with this podcast. It will rethink how you market your business or brand. Terrific show!
I don't know what yams means either but this show is funny and informative!
My all-time favorite podcast
James Brown was the Godfather of Soul so can someone please make Joe Pulizzi an orange cape so that he can reign as the official Godfather of Content Marketing? Robert Rose is so brilliant that sometimes his mouth can't catch up with the thoughts that are oozing out of his brain. But that's just to remind us that he is not actually super-human. Love this guys to pieces and this show is a must listen for everyone who wants to succeed online. Thanks for all the insights and the chuckles. ~Ms. Ileane
The best marketing podcast EVER!
As a content marketing manager, this podcast has helped me stay up to date on my craft without having to sort through the endless stream of junk out there. I also love their nerdy humor!
The Best Marketing Podcast Out There
I've been listening for a couple of years now, and week after week, I learn more from this podcast than any other marketing source. Not only do they go over the latest marketing headlines, but they give insights on why this news is important to marketers. Though their true passion is content marketing, Robert and Joe are informative AND entertaining in many aspects of marketing. Thanks to this podcast, I've been able to hel pchange how my company views content marketing.
Antidote to your case of the Monday's
I've been in digital marketing for over a decade and one of the most interesting -- but also challenging -- things about it is the pace of change. This old marketing podcast helps me stay afloat and be on the ready for upcoming trends. And makes every Monday better to boot. Thanks guys -- keep up the great work! And yes, we're all ready for your tito's drunk episode. ;-)
Best Content Marketing Podcast
After listening to this show for over a year, I have to admit that PnR brings the heat! Personality is key, and I honestly laugh right along with them, feeling like I'm hanging out with two super-smart friends. Recommended to all my marketing peeps. Thank you for this gem!
Great podcast
After graduating college with a journalism degree and then watching my newspaper of employment go under, I thought my skill set had gone the way of the printing press. Thank you, Joe and Robert, for making it your mission to spread the gospel of content marketing and giving me the confidence that there's a market for my past experience and skills.
Great show
I love this show, thank you Rob & Joe for producing it. As a beginning content marketer it is great to listen to these two experienced voices share their opinions, rants and raves. Rob’s openings are fantastic!
Great Chemistry and Information
This podcast has quickly become appointment listening every week. Content Marketing is covered but even more the guys share their thinking and share their lessons learned, as well as the lessons learned by people they know. Can not recommend this more highly.
Weekly marketing “go-to” podcast
It's been said that the best marketing, doesn't feel like like marketing. Likewise, the best thought leadership doesn't feel like thought leadership. And this is certainly the case with This Old Marketing. Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose deliver what is arguably the best and most definitive podcast on Content Marketing, and they do it in an entertaining, interesting, intelligent and most importantly, humble way. The intros have evolved into an impressive weaving of the topical and the cultural wherein Rose starts us on journey— a content experience — before launching into the week’s news with Pulizzi. After the news, we get our favorite part of the show: Rants and Raves. The raves are well deserved and the rants, are handled respectfully. One of my favorite parts of the show is its namesake, This Old Marketing, wherein Joe and Robert take turns introducing us to Content Marketing examples of yore. Sometimes these are user-contributed, sometimes they’re dug up by Pulizzi and Rose themselves, but they’re always fascinating, interesting and educational. Favorites include Poor Richard’s Almanack, NFL Films and Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, but honestly, they’re all worthy. If I had to pick just one marketing podcast, This Old Marketing with PnR would be it. Just don’t forget your favorite beverage. When you hear “Native Advertising”…you'll know what to do.
A Weekly Event
Have listened religiously for a while and would not dream of missing an episode. One of the most entertaining and insightful pieces of marketing content around!
A no BS marketing podcast for professionals
I am a marketing podcast junkie, I have had the CMO title before and currently hold the title of VP of Sales and Marketing for a 4 year old startup called Placester. Staying up to date with what’s happening in the industry and getting a sense of where it’s going can mean the difference between success and failure for a CMO and the company they help grow. Joe & Robert are experts that share everything they know, true content marketers and complete gentleman. I only wish they published more than once a week.
In Depth Analysis, Drive-Time DJ aesthetic
If I didn't voraciously consume content and social marketing news, anyway, I'd probably still take in this show every week. PnR take a subject that used to be considered, by most non-marketers, a yawn-fest and give it a treatment that is, by turns, laugh-out-loud hilarious, and then evocative to the point of generating "Eureka!" moments (though my wife's eyes still glaze over when I start talking engagement strategies and the need for more useful analytics)... And just to clarify—like most of the boundaries in the infoverse, a very fuzzy line demarcates journalism from entertainment. This show cranks out admitted opinions from two, I think, pretty self-deprecating guys. Just last week Pulizzi made a point of saying that anyone who tells you that there is only one way to do this stuff is sadly misguided. I really don't perceive the arrogance mentioned in an earlier review. Much of the information and advice is pretty far above my current pay-grade, as I'm just getting started in my endeavor. Still, there aren't enough hours in the day to put even just the appropriate advice into practice. The good news is that if you keep listening long enough, the information sort of coalesces naturally into some guiding principals that become second nature. So if you want to hear about the latest developments in content marketing (and never tire of the phrase "Native Advertising"), and you want to hear it from two guys who would be two of the smartest, funniest drive-time morning DJs if they decided to ditch their current careers, give This Old Marketing a listen.
Can Help Anyone “Get” Content Marketing
As a marketing professional, I enjoy the guys, their differing opinions, the variety of stories covered, and even Robert’s humor. I actually listen to each episode once on normal speed and once on 1.5 speed to catch anything I missed. I think this podcast will be an ongoing staple. But if you’re looking for a podcast to help you understand content marketing in the first place, This Old Marketing is worth a listen. It’s super timely and sheds light on content marketing in action. Don’t expect an audio course in the basic concepts of content marketing, but it’s a must if you’re a person who learns well by exploring real-life examples.
One of my favorite podcasts!
My name is Douglas and I’m a marketing podcast-aholic. I host a marketing podcast. I listen to lots of marketing podcasts and this is without a doubt one of my favorite podcasts. I listen to it as soon as it comes out and HAVE LISTENED TO EVERY EPISODE. Listening to this show is like getting to sit in the back seat of a car while two delightfully smart content marketing guys sit up front and talk about what’s going on in the marketing world as we drive to work. But it’s more than that - you can tell these two guys are great friends and respect one another very much. They also both have a very active sense of humor that is infectious. Bonus: if “fantastic” is one of your favorite words, here’s your podcast. Also, if you listen to this podcast during the cocktail hour, make sure to play the PNR drinking game: any time the phrase “native advertising” is mentioned, take a shot! Cheers!
Fun, informative and current
PNR: This Old Marketing delivers the right combination of news, commentary, rants and raves on the fast evolving world of content and digitial marketing. This is my go-to podcast for staying current on trends and analysis in the world of marketing, and for a regular dose of reason and sanity. Joe and Robert know what they are talking about, but never take themselves too seriously — it feels like you are sitting right next to them having a beer and talking about ideas, challenges, what’s working and what needs to be fixed. (Just don’t mention “native advertising”…)
Addicted! Laughing & Learning at the same time!
I look forward to this podcast every week! I love to laugh and I love to learn. I get to do both at the same time! What a great concept! It’s obvious that Robert & Joe are having fun with this podcast! Keep up the great Work! Thanks!
One of the best marketing podcasts!
Joe and Robert are actually one of the few people in marketing that actually know what they are talking about. Great podcast, they never miss a beat! Plus, it makes me look and feel smart after I hear it.
Love it
I started listening to this podcast about three months ago and have become a huge fan. Joe and Robert keep it light and entertaining but also very relevant and I know I will be up-to-date on all the news for the week through their podcast. They have great chemistry and I love to listen to it on my drive into work! Keep it up, guys! - Amy Martin, Principal at JumpStart
The conversations you want to have
If you're in marketing, listening to this podcast is like dropping in on a couple of informed and smart colleagues every week. These guys care about the same things I do, and aren't shy about sharing their viewpoints. Fair warning: you might be tempted to chuckle, voice your opinions or otherwise chip in. This can be embarrassing if you're listening to it in the gym.
Incredibly Insightful and Full of Healthy Debate
This Old Marketing combines 3 of my favorite things: podcasts, content marketing, and rad people! The show is not only incredibly insightful and full of healthy debate, but it’s also incredibly entertaining with a genuine approach. Robert Rose and Joe Pulizzi have a great rapport and when listening to the show I can’t help but feel I’m somehow included in the conversation. They both give very unique commentary on the topics they choose and many times connect the dots between seemingly unrelated events. This Old Marketing is absolutely a go-to weekly resource for newsworthy information on the broader content marketing space.
Perfect combination...
The podcast and the website are a perfect combination, informative, rich with advices and most importantly is to get back and fill the spotted errors, falls, or whatever you call it, on the website by reading the well curated, easy to digest articles. Would love to see quick “how-to’s” or short summaries about the podcasts with less judgment and more practical tips - it’s a bit long for my daily commuting to work. Other than that, keep up getting the awesome, let me call them, case studies.
This is Your Brain on Content Marketing...
Think back to 1987 and you hear “This Is Your Brain on Drugs.” Now we apply "This Is Your Brain on Content Marketing” and instead of becoming a fried egg, you see expansion and understanding of content and content marketing. Most marketing podcast provide tips and trick, Robert and Joe, discuss the issues of the day and provide their opinion - where you agree with it or not - to help those who listen grow there craft to the best it can be. Thanks, PnR and keep it up.